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  • How do E-bikes work?
    E-bikes are bicycles with a battery-powered “assist” that comes when pedaling. When you push the pedals on a our E-bikes a small motor engages and gives you a boost, so you can zip up hills and cruise over tough terrain without exhausting yourself. Our E-bikes also have a number of settings enabling you to adjust the amount of assistance given.
  • How far will I be able to travel?
    E-bikes have various size batteries. The larger capacity batteries give a longer range. Our E-bikes have different power settings therefore the more power you desire the less range you will have. Typically on economy setting from an 11 amp hour battery you should expect to be able to get around 75 miles of assistance.
  • How long does the battery take to charge?
    Normally if a battery is completely flat it will take around 5 hours to recharge to 100 %
  • How long is the warranty?
    On all motor and battery packs the warranty is 3 years. There is also a 10 year warranty on the frame.
  • How much does the electric bike weigh?
    All of our bike weigh slightly diffierent amounts however they generally weigh haround 25 kgs.
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